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Prioritising applications

South Gloucestershire Council uses a banding scheme to prioritise housing applications. Please be aware that the law says that the Council must take account of certain housing circumstances in deciding its priorities for housing.

There are 4 bands:

Band A - For people who need to be rehoused urgently, for example, applicants where there is a serious risk to their safety, health or wellbeing if they remain in their current home.

Band B - For people who are at risk of homelessness, or are considered to be living in housing circumstances that have an adverse impact on their health, safety or well-being.

Band C - For people who have a housing need, such as overcrowding, or who are sharing a kitchen or bathroom, but who are not at urgent risk.

Registered - For everyone else who is looking for housing in South Gloucestershire including those who are suitable housed, or are able to access alternative housing through their own resources.

Please note - Priority Cards can also be awarded where an exceptional need is identified. They can only be awarded by the HomeChoice Panel and are a 'trump card' above all other applicants.  

All applications received from people who want to move into rented accommodation will be assessed and placed in one of the above bands, those in the highest band gain the highest priority.

If you already live in social housing and want to apply for a transfer, you can do this through this website.

For further details of the circumstances for each Band, see our Lettings Policy & Procedure.