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All bids received are placed into a shortlist based on someone’s banding and the time they have been waiting in that band - priority card holders will always appear at the top of a shortlist. When the bidding closes, the landlord of the property will consider bidders in the order they appear on the shortlist.
Landlords will carry out their own background checks to make sure the property is suitable for the highest bidder, e.g. there are no access issues, it suits their household circumstances and so on. Landlords will also consider if there are other reasons why the bidder will be a suitable tenant, e.g. there are no current or former rent arrears, history of breaching tenancy conditions or other reason. If the landlord is unable to offer the property to the applicant at the top of the shortlist, they will move to the next placed bidder and so on.
If your name is at the top of the shortlist list and the landlord considers you a suitable tenant, you will normally be invited to view the property. The landlord will also ask you for the following information,
Please note that the landlord may ask you for further information.
If you are offered a property, it is important that you gather this information quickly, as the landlord may withdraw the offer if you cannot provide it.
If you are offered a property you will not be considered for other properties until you have decided to either accept or refuse the offer. If you accept the property, you will have to complete the tenancy sign-up and arrange a date when you can move in. Again, you are expected to be able to move in quickly even if you have to give notice on where you live now. Please remember that the property will be let unfurnished.
If you decide to refuse the property it will be offered to the next person on the shortlist. If the offer is considered to be suitable, you will lose a 'life' and if you refuse two reasonable offers your application will be suspended for 6 months. Please note that where the council has accepted a statutory duty to accommodate a household, they will only be entitled to one offer of housing.